Home > Disappointed with Quicken for Investment Tracking

Disappointed with Quicken for Investment Tracking

March 7th, 2008 at 11:59 am

I finally puchased Quicken Home & Business, with the plan of using it to analyze my investments. I won't track budget and spending in it, for that I use YNAB. I was debating about spending the extra $20 to get Home & Business instead of Premier, then realized that if I use it to track invoices I can writeoff the cost of the software as a business expense. Smile

Anyway, I've got all our brokerage accounts set up, and entered "placeholder" values for the basis information -- there's no way I'm going to go back and enter 25 years worth of transactions! (My dad started my first mutual fund when I was 12, and I've still got it today!) I was disappointed that I had to enter that manually -- probably some deficiency in what the brokerage provides to Quicken, as they do show my basis in my statements.

Quicken does show a pie chart for my current asset allocation, which is good. However, I'm thinking I would like to invest maybe 5-10% in REIT's after the lending crisis settles down, and I don't see a way to list a REIT as a separate asset class. (My thinking is that REIT's represent an asset class that may not have close correlation with stocks.)

I also noticed that although the stock purchased through my husband's ESPP was deposited into its own account at Etrade, I can't seem to access that account from Quicken. So there's $8k of stock that isn't showing up.

The other area where I'm disappointed is the performance analysis. The "Average Annual Return" list for my mutual funds appears to be my personal return since I downloaded everything in Feb -- and everything shows N/A* (*Placeholder entries used for missing transactions.) I can't seem to get it to look up and display the published 3,5, and 10 year stats for all the funds I own. I wanted to be able to pull all those and look at them in a single table.

I've tried to set up a portfolio view on Morningstar's site, and use x-ray on it, but I can't seem to save it and end up having to reenter everything every time. My hope was that Quicken would solve this for me.

So far I don't really see how Quicken is going to be of any help in monitoring my investments.

2 Responses to “Disappointed with Quicken for Investment Tracking”

  1. jarmferg2 Says:

    This article sums up my disappointments with Quicken for investment tracking very well. Although the bookkeeping for general expenses allows yearly comparisons, investment tracking remains a total waste of money for the Quicken Software and a constant frustration. Quicken 4 was quite capable of providing this service so why does not the marvelous Quicken 2007???

  2. John Griffin Says:

    also disappointed with investment tracking. Can anyone recommend a program that I can buy that tracks performance and allows one to sort with respect to maybe 1 week, 1 month or year to date % increase or decrease

    Thanks so much for your help...........

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